Real Estate Continuing Education Online Self-Paced Course for Georgia.

  • SAVE $20!
    36 Online Self-Study CE Credits

    $139 $119
    Use Promo Code: TWENTY
    *Discounts cannot be combined

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Interactive Online Courses.

Register for 36 credits at $119 when you use promo code TWENTY

Barney Fletcher Schools will submit your credits to the Georgia Real Estate Commission the next business day following course completion.

Best Value! Pre Pay for 36 Credits and Save
Real Estate Ethics
**Does NOT satisfy NAR Code of Ethics Requirement**
Steering Clear of Disciplinary Hearings
Meets the 7-1-2016 License Law 3 hour CE requirement
IMPORTANT BROWSER INFORMATION: When utilizing our online self-study courses, it is important to use Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your internet browser. Safari is also an option, but if you do run into any technical difficulties, try switching to one of the others. Internet Explorer is no longer a compatible internet browser and using it will cause some course features and functions not to work. 

ALSO - Do NOT bookmark courses. In order for progress to be recorded properly, you need to log in to your Barney Fletcher Schools account each time you want to access your courses.